Can I use NDS for free?

Yes! You even do not need to do registration to experience NoCoding Data Scraper. Once NDS installed, you can run the built-in recipes to take a quick trip. After login, you can create and run your own recipes with more features without time limit.

Do I need any technical skills to use NDS?

NO! The purpose of NDS is to make scraping simple, intuitieve and be self service for most of situation. However, for some extreme situation, knowing how to locate element via css selector will make you more powerful and flexible.

Can NDS scrape Amazon, Shopee and Google Map?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper executes scraping recipes on your own browser. So what you can access on the page are what NDS can scrape. Following is a small list of websites tested:

E-commerce Local Service Real Estate Maps Social
Google Map
Bing Map
Baidu Map
Gaode Map
Tencent Map

Can NDS scrape public business leads or Email?

Yes! NDS is under your control completely. You can scrape what you can access on your browser.

Can NDS scrape pages behind login?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper execute scraping recipes on your own browser. After login, the target website will look the extension as a normal user. Also, NDS DOES NOT ask for your account name, password or cookies, which is critical to keep your account safe.

Can NDS scrape multiple pages?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper supports multiple pages scraping. There are many built-in pagination modes in NoCoding Data Scraper to make multiple list page scraping easier. Also NDS supports list of URLs scraping, deep scraping to extract complete data automatically.

Can NDS scrape infinite scroll page?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper supports infinite scroll. There are built-in scroll pagination modes supported in NoCoding Data Scraper.

In fact, not only scroll down the whole page to load more data is supported, you can also scroll down the content in a container element (such as search result on Google Map) to scrape all items in the container.

Can NDS scrape dynamic pages?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper executes recipes on your own browser to scrape content rendered by the browser. So as regular surfing, you don't need to care about the technology behind the browser.

Can NDS scrape pages in iframe?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper handles the first level embeded iframe automatically. There is no difference to locate element(s) in top level window and in the first level embeded iframe. If the content to scrape is in a deep embeded iframe (for example, in a iframe embeded in another iframe), then you can extract the target iframe's src attribute, and open it in a tab, and now you can define recipe as usual. All these steps can be implemented via built-in actions to make the whole process automatic.

Can NDS scrape pages deeply?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper supports scraping and navigating to pages behind links deeply. You can define a recipe with multiple layers, or split such a big recipe into several simple recipes and link them together easily.

Can NDS scrape a list of URLs?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper provides various approaches to input URL list: type in a list of url manually when starting recipe, or upload a list of url to NDS as a data table, and then declare the data table as input for recipe(s) to process. Also NDS supports scraping in parallel to accelerate the whole process.

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper has built-in Link URL attribute to extract, and in fact you can extract any attribute from the selected elements. When the selected element is an image, you can declare to download it to local or upload it to configured remote cloud storage directly.

Can NDS run recipes on schedule?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper has built-in scheduler. The interval can be as short as 5 seconds.

Can NDS execute recipe one by one automatically?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper can trigger new recipe(s) conditionally when one recipe done . Also, the new started recipe(s) can read the scrapred data of the previous one as input.

Can NDS save data to Google Sheet?

Yes! NoCoding Data Scraper can integrate with 3rd party application easily, such as Google Sheet to store data, Slack to accept notification, or Baidu Cloud Storage to upload images (DropBox support is coming).

Do I need credit/point to do scraping?

There is NO credit required for regular scraping and data export. If you are a free plan user, then you need credit point to activate following features:

  • scrape and save data to Google Sheet directly
  • scrape images and upload it to Baidu Cloud Pan seamlessly.

For paid plan users, there is no credit required to enjoy all these features.