Actions guide
NDS provides various actions to enable you to operate elements on the web page. all actions has similar configuration UI:
to add a new action next to the current one | |
move the action up in the action list | |
remove the action completely | |
simulate the action execution one time |
Each action has its own attributes. Most of these attributes are intuitive and easy to set.
Activate Current Tab
to activate the current tab.
Attributes: No
Activate Working Window
to activate the working window. NDS will maintain a normal window and a incognito window.
Attributes: No
to click an element.
- Element to click
- Element to click
DD. Select
to select an option under dropdown select
- Dropdown select element
- option label to be selected [accept argument]
DD. Select each
to select each option under the dropdown select one by one. All following actions and nodes will be executed for each option.
- Dropdown select element
- the index of first option to start. start from 1
Input Field(s) Value
to fill in the target input element with selected field(s)'s current value
- Input Element to fill in
- field(s) whose value will be used. Only fields before current node are selectable
Input Text
to fill in the target input element with text
- Input Element to fill in
- Text to be filled in [accept argument]
Open Field URL
open URL in the target field in a new tab
- field whose value must be a URL. Only fields before current node are selectable
- field whose value must be a URL. Only fields before current node are selectable
Open Table as Argument Input
The action is availiable in the Start Transit node only. to open a data table, and read each line as argument input for the recipe. changing the data table here will remove all configured arguments in the reicpe.
- all accessible data tables on Data Center
- all accessible data tables on Data Center
Open URL
to open a URL in a new tab
- url address [accept argument]
- url address [accept argument]
Press Key
to simulate key press on target element
- target element
- key to press. Now Enter and Backspace are supported.
Reload Current Tab
to reload current page
Scroll to
to scroll the element into current view screen,and simulate moving mouse on it.
- target element
- target element
Scroll to Bottom
to scroll the page to the bottom of the screen in specified times with specified interval.
- times [accept argument]
- interval in seconds [accept argument]
Single Argument Input
to declare an independent argument. such arugment can be used to:
- accept data from input data table, and dump it to output data table ( automatically;
accept data from manual input, and accessed by other node later
- argument name
- argument default value - used when the recipe is tarted directly after saving.
Wait Element
to wait the element to be target status
- target element
- expected status
Wait Seconds
to wait for seconds
- seconds to wait [accept argument]
- seconds to wait [accept argument]
>Enter Next Node Here<
a virtual action without any real operation. The action tells NDS to enter next node here immediately